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Anatomy&Pathology&Physiology (9)
Atlas of the human body, staining methods, energy metabolic pathways, biologic clock ....
Conferences & meeting presenting science (12)
Epidemiology (2)
- news on infectious outbreak around the world
missing links .... if you know where any of these websites have moved to, please send the information to the webmaster at http://LymeRICK.net
Journals (42)
- mainly journals allowing free download PDFs
Laboratories & Tests (22)
Includes some research only laboratories, i.e. not all the tests mentioned here can (yet) be ordered commercially!
Marie Krouns presentations (5)
Powerpoint / PDF
Microbiology (20)
about Bacteria, Fungi, Parasites, Vira, .... (articles not grouped elsewhere)
Micrococcus (2) Miscellaneous (5)
Excel symptom diary and more ....
Organisations Societies Research, Groups, e-mail lists (15)
Organisations and Societies, other Lyme resources on the net
Pictures (7)
Skin manifestations of TBI, ticks, pathogens
Piroplasma & other "ringforms" (123)
Babesia, Theileria, Malaria
Players, viewers, web & computer utilities (5)
... all sorts of computer utilities
Rickettsiales (26)
Anaplasma, Coxiella, Ehrlichia, Rickettsia
Search Engines (0)
Spirochaetes (89)
Borrelia, Treponema, Leptospira
Syndromes (11)
Differential diagnoses to chronic active infection: Chronic Neurotoxin Mediated Illness, CFS, Fibromyalgia, Heavy metal poisening
System (0)
Treatment (15)
- mostly general information about treatment for more infections; treatment for SINGLE infection that has its own link group on this website, will be placed in that group
Vector (13)
Insects / ticks that transmit microbial diseases
Video (4)


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