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Links: Pictures
CDC Publīc Health Image Library
Search page - find pictures of malaria, babesia, ticks (acari) etc. etc. --- enter appropiate search word
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1521
DOIA (Dermatology Online Image Archive)
dermatology pictures + good search function
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1353
DOIA - Acrodermatis Chronica Atrophicans
ACA - bluish or brownish discoloration, nodular infiltrations and atrophy, the late skin manifestation of Borreliosis
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1560
DOIA - Erythema [Chronicum] Migrans
EM, ECM - centrifugally growing circular rash, the earliest skin manifestation of Borreliosis
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1520
DOIA - Lymphocytoma or Lymph-adenosis osis Benigna Cutis
LABC - nodular bluish skin manifestation of Borreliosis
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1520
EUCALB - index
Entomology Images, Medical Images (skin) , Epidemiology Images, Tick Videos
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1324
LDF - picture gallery

Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1335


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