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Links: Rickettsiales
The American Society for Rickettsiology

Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1654
EUROPEAN WORKING GROUP on Rickettsia, Coxiella, Ehrlichia and Bartonella (EUWOG)

Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1429
Presence of Rickettsia helvetica in Granulomatous Tissue from Patients with Sarcoidosis.
Nilsson K et al. J Infect Dis. 2002 Apr 15;185(8):1128-38.
In samples obtained during the autopsies of 2 patients with sarcoidosis, genetic material from Rickettsia helvetica was detected by polymerase chain reaction, and histologic and immunohistochemical examination (using 3 different antibodies) of the polymerase chain reaction-positive tissues showed different degrees of granuloma formation and presence of rickettsia-like organisms predominantly located in the endothelium and macrophages. Electron microscopic examination clearly identified and demonstrated rickettsia-like organisms within the granuloma, with findings suggestive of ongoing infection. Immunogold labeling with Proteus OX-19 antiserum showed that the gold markers were localized to the rickettsia-like organisms. Paraffin-embedded biopsy specimens from 30 patients with confirmed sarcoidosis were also reexamined, and 26 specimens were judged to be positive for rickettsia-like organisms by histologic and immunohistochemical examination. In a specimen from 1 patient, rickettsia-like organisms also were demonstrated and identified by transmission electron microscopy. These results support the hypothesis that rickettsiae may contribute to a granulomatous process, as is seen in sarcoidosis. PDF
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1685
Afebrile blood culture-negative endocarditis
Raoult D. Ann Intern Med 1999 Jul 20;131(2):144-6. PMID: 10419431 PDF
Date Added: 16.12.06 Visits: 1745
Antimicrobial susceptibility of Ehrlichia phagocytophila.
Horowitz HW et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2001 Mar;45(3):786-8. PMID:11181361 PDF
Date Added: 16.12.06 Visits: 1725
Association of Rickettsia helvetica with chronic perimyocarditis
Nilsson K, Lindquist O, Pahlson C. Lancet 1999 Oct 2;354(9185):1169-73. PMID: 10513711 PDF
Date Added: 16.12.06 Visits: 1769
Bartonella meningoencephalitis
CASE - MR of brain
Date Added: 16.12.06 Visits: 5686
The Rickettsial Approach in Treatment of Patients for CFS, FM, RA, Neurological Dysfunction
Cecile Jadin lecture on 1999 CFS conference in Sydney Australia.
"Extensive research on rickettsioses has taken place over the last 6 decades by French, Polish and Russian scientist, following the lead of Prof Charles Nicolle (Institute Pasteur). They have published their research in detail, but unfortunately only in French. The fairly recently recognised syndrome, CFS, (the first occurrence of which was discovered in Nevada1, as was RMSF2) has given us a perfect opportunity to build on these scientists' research. ..."

Date Added: 16.12.06 Visits: 1459
Cecile Jadin website on Chronic fatigue Syndrom / Rickettsia
"Germs on earth are fighting to subsist. We only realise their existence when they enter our lives. To achieve this, like surfers, they take the first wave they can. One wins a thousand dies. Diseases appear and disappear throughout the centuries, producing new variations and mutations of themselves not new species." CASE STUDIES showing effect of antibiotic treatment

Date Added: 16.12.06 Visits: 1566
Human monocytic ehrlichiosis: a potentially severe disease in children.
Dumler JS, Dey C, Meier F, Lewis LL. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2000 Aug;154(8):847-9. PMID: 10922287
"The spectrum of diseases caused by human monocytic ehrlichiosis (HME) in children ranges from asymptomatic to severe and even fatal. ..."
Date Added: 16.12.06 Visits: 1677
Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis agent and Ehrlichia chaffeensis reside in different cytoplasmic ...
Human Granulocytic Ehrlichiosis Agent and Ehrlichia chaffeensis Reside in Different Cytoplasmic Compartments in HL-60 Cells.
Mott J, Barnewall RE, Rikihisa Y. Infect Immun 1999 Mar;67(3):1368-78. PMID: 10024584 PDF
Date Added: 16.12.06 Visits: 1913
Human granulocytic ehrlichiosis.
Bakken JS, Dumler JS. Clin Infect Dis 2000 Aug;31(2):554-60. PDF
"... Most patients have presented with a non-specific febrile illness occurring within 4 weeks after tick exposure or tick bite. The risk for serious illness or death increases with advancing age and delayed onset of therapy. Routine laboratory testing may reveal reduced white blood cell and platelet concentrations and mildly elevated hepatic transaminase activity in peripheral blood. A high index of suspicion is necessary to arrive at a timely clinical diagnosis. Patients suspected of having human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (HGE) should be treated with a tetracycline-class antibiotic while awaiting the outcome of confirmatory laboratory testing."
Date Added: 16.12.06 Visits: 1494
Immunopathology and ehrlichial propagation are regulated by interferon-gamma and IL10 in a murine mo
Martin ME, Caspersen K, Dumler JS. Am J Pathol 2001 May;158(5):1881-8 PDF
Date Added: 16.12.06 Visits: 1842
Infection by the agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis prevents the respiratory burst ...
Infection by the agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis prevents the respiratory burst by down-regulating gp91phox.
Banerjee R, Anguita J, Roos D, Fikrig E. J Immunol 2000 Apr 15;164(8):3946-9. PMID: 10754283 .. "Diverse pathogens, including Legionella pneumophila, Toxoplasma gondii, Chlamydia, Ehrlichia risticii (which infects macrophages), Entamoeba histolytica, and Leishmania, have been shown to inhibit the respiratory burst; however, the mechanism(s) is (are) not known (23-28). Suppression of NADPH oxidase activity by down-regulating expression of a critical subunit of the enzyme complex by HGE bacteria represents a new mechanism by which microbes circumvent the oxidant-generating respiratory burst. It is intriguing that Ehrlichia targets the gene, gp91phox, which is associated with chronic granulomatous disease (12), and suggests that HGE bacteria induces a transient state in which the host may be more susceptible to secondary infections. Understanding the biological basis of respiratory burst arrest by pathogens should facilitate the development of new strategies to prevent infectious diseases and modify inflammatory responses." PDF
Date Added: 16.12.06 Visits: 1998
Medscape search on Rickettsia OR ehrlichia
Date Added: 16.12.06 Visits: 1491
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