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Links: Journals
1. Public Journal on Internet - search
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1489
2. Links to Free Medical Journals
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1596
American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1576
American Society of Microbiology Journals Search
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, Clinical Microbiology Reviews, Infection and Immunity, Journal of Bacteriology, Journal of Clinical Microbiology, Journal of Virology, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1612
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy

Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1507
Applied and Environmental Microbiology

Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1510
Archives of Internal Medicine
only a few free articles
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1533
Publish in any of BioMed Central's Journals and... your research will be freely available to all, you keep the copyright, your research will be listed immediately in PubMed, your research will be fully peer reviewed and published in record time
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1628
British Medical Journal

Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1467
Clinical Infectious Diseases & Journal Infectious Diseases - search
This page allows you to search available issues of Clinical Infectious Diseases, beginning with June 1997, Volume 24, Number 6, available issues of The Journal of Infectious Diseases, beginning with April 1997, Volume 175, Number 4, and available issues of Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology beginning with January 1999, Volume 20, Number 1.
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1452
Clinical Microbiology Reviews

Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1541
Danish Medical Bulletin
(publications in english)
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1456
Emerging Infectious Diseases

Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1505
Infection and Immunity
free PDF-download 6 months after publishing
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1561
International Journal for Parasitology

Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1457
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