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Links: Spirochaetes
Peripheral nerve disorders in Lyme-Borreliosis (PDF)
Nerve biopsy studies from eight cases*
C. Meier 1, F. Grahmann 2, A. Engelhardt 2, and M. Dumas 1
Acta Neuropathol (1989) 79:271-278

... We conclude that the PNS complications
of Lyme-Borreliosis in early and late stages of the
disease are angiopathic due to vasculitis of the vasa
nervorum and primarily caused by axonal degeneration.
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1636
Meningovascular form of neuroborreliosis: similarities between neuropathological findings in a case
Acta Neuropathol (1990) 80:568 - 572
J. Miklossy, T. Kuntzer, J. Bogousslavsky, F. Regli and R. C. Janzer
... The chronic meningitis, the occlusive
meningovascular and secondary parenchymal changes
that we found are similar to those occurring in the
meningovascular form of neurosyphilis. Thus, we suggest
that the case described here represents the meningovascular
form of tertiary Lyme neuroborreliosis.
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1716
NY State Assembly Standing Committee on Health
Transcript from PUBLIC HEARING: Chronic Lyme disease and long-term antibiotic treatment
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1518
Borrelia MicrobeWIKI
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 2233
Borrelia at Pasteur - Molecular Genetics Server
Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato ... with links to other spirochetes
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1500
Lyme Disease (borreliosis) neuropsychiatric assesment
from Dr. Bransfields website mentalhealthandillness.com
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1530
The Complexity of Arthropod-borne Spirochetes (Borrelia spp)
Speaker: Willy Burgdorfer, PhD at the 12th International Conference on Lyme Disease and Other Spirochetal and Tick-Borne Disorders (1999)
Citation: "These most recent findings do confirm the development of membrane-derived cysts, blebs, spherules, vesicles and the potential transformation to motile, helical spirochetes ..."
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1641
Vector Interactions and Molecular Adaptations of Lyme Disease and Relapsing Fever Spirochetes Associ
Tom G. Schwan, National Institutes of Health, Hamilton, Montana, USA; Joseph Piesman, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1653
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1444
Art Doherty's 'Lots Of Links On Lyme Disease' (borreliosis)
Over 12,000 Categorized Links on Lyme Disease!
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1511
online Lyme database (abstracts)
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1495
The Mattman collection
Lida Mattman pictures of Borrelia burgdorferi
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1448
1911-Balfour (OCR)
Balfour A, British Medical Journal April 1, 1911: 752. A vivid description of the formation of 'granules' of spirochetes.
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1435
1912-Hindle (PDF)
Hindle E. On the Life-Cycle of Spirochaeta gallinarum. Parasitology (1912), iv, pp 463-477.
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1469
1914-Nicolle (Excerpts)
Three old works demonstrates that blood from RF-borreliosis contain the infectious agent in an 'invisible stage' of about 8-10 days duration, alternating with a spirochetal phase of few days duration. Implications ...
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1464
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