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Links: Laboratories & Tests
PCR diagnostic research homepage of Martin Kenny and Susan Shaw
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1684
Bowen RTI
Bowen Research and Training Institute - Lyme testing
New website on Lyme disease research is currently under development: Lymereserach.com
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1514
... some information moved from bowen.org

Includes PDF copies of papers on Q-RIBb test that was developed and was patented as US patent number 6,838,247 in 2005 by Jo Anne Whitaker and her colleages at Bowen RTI.
In 2007 the lab / Borrelia antigen test was CLIA approved with modfication in quantification method; instead of titration, reactivity is now counted by computer i.e. FLOWCYTOMETRY
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1808
Seracare (BBI Diagnostics)
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1509
Genova Diagnostics
this labs previous name was Great Smokies Diagnostic Laboratory

Gastrointestinal Assessments
Assessments of gastrointestinal function include the renowned Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis and several other tests and panels yielding important information about the ecology of the GI tract, including intestinal wall integrity, small bowel bacterial overgrowth, yeast presence, immune function, parasite activity, specific intolerances, Helicobacter infection, and vaginal health.

Immunology Assessments
Assessments of immune function include the revolutionary Comprehensive Antibody Assessment, with its unique reporting of IgG antibodies for delayed reactions as well as IgE for immediate reactions.

Nutritional Assessments
Nutritional assessments range from Elemental Analysis (toxic and nutritional element levels), Amino Acids Analysis (of 40+ amino acids critical to healthy metabolism and detoxification), and Essential & Metabolic Fatty Acids Analysis (addressing the most widespread nutritional deficit in modern life).

Endocrinology Assessments
Assessments of endocrine function evaluate the body's ability to regulate itself through hormone action. Tests include evaluations of sex and regulatory hormones and the Bone Resorption Assessment.

Metabolic Assessments
Metabolic assessments measure the body's detoxification processes, oxidative stress and antioxidant defense capabilities, and cardiovascular health (with a comprehensive array of independent markers). There is also a Cotinine Assay to identify the nicotine metaboline and pinpoint a cause of recurrent infections or allergy in children of smokers.
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1624
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1766
MDL - Medical Diagnostic Laboratories
MDL is a medical diagnostic laboratory specializing in state of the art, automated, DNA-based molecular analysis of a variety of chronic and infectious illnesses with viral, microbial, or environmental origins. ...
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 3231
Metametrix Diagnostic Laboratory
Offers tests for nutritional insufficiencies, metabolic dysfunction, and toxicity and detoxification.
Can be arranged through Nordic Laboratories
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1632
Nationales Referenzzentrum (NRZ) für Borrelien am Max von Pettenkofer-Institut, München
Leitung Prof. Dr. med. Bettina Wilske
MiQ Quality Standards for the Microbiological Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 2035
Microscopy - preparation of slides and stain methods (good videos)
- this site is for veterinary dermatology preparation, but the information applies for human samples as well; video shows for instance how to stain with Diff-Quik
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1689
Buffy-coat smears of blood for microscopy
Video of how to make them - made by Marie Kroun, MD
NOTE LymeRICK website has moved to http://LymeRICK.net
Date Added: 14.12.06 Visits: 1669
MELISA® test - MEmory Lymphocyte Immuno Stimulation Assay.
MELISA® is a blood test measuring hypersensitivity to metals and is the only scientifically-proven test of its kind. It works by placing a range of metals into contact with white blood cells and monitoring the reaction. What follows below is a brief summary; full scientific explanations are available from our articles section. Developed by Swedish researcher Vera Stejskal
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 3050
Western blot serological test for Lyme disease
And The Bands Played On - Western blot serological test for Lyme disease
Overview by Art Doherty on Borrelia serology bands
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1686
Western Blot for Lyme borreliosis
Explanation by Carl Brenner
Date Added: 16.12.06 Visits: 1826
Western Blot for Lyme borreliosis
Interpreting the IgG & IgM Western Blot For Lyme Disease
(Melissa Kaplan)
Date Added: 16.12.06 Visits: 2159
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