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Introduction Introduction to LymeRICK

LymeRICK Introduction

Information on this site was previously located at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LymeRICK
then temporarily moved to http://LymeRICK.ulmarweb.dk
... and has now finally moved to this new site at http://LymeRICK.net
Becoming member / what can you do to help improve LymeRICK information? (read more here).

BOOKMARKS / LINKS overview (~ lots links to files on Internet and LymeRICK; you can also use the SEARCH (Links) option)

What sort of information is linked to via this website?

Anatomy&Pathology&Physiology - Atlas of the human body, staining methods, energy metabolic pathways, biologic clock ....
Epidemiology - news on infectious outbreak around the world
Journals - especially those that offer free download of scientific medical articles
Laboratories - Central Florida Research (was Bowen RTI) , Igenex, MDL …
Miscellaneous - Symptom diary in Excel
Microbiology - on Bacteria, Fungi, Parasites, Vira.

PIROPLASMA - Babesia, Theileria, Malaria
RICKETTSIALES- Rickettsia, Ehrlichia, Coxiella ....
SPIROCHETES - Borrelia, Treponema, Leptospira

VIDEOMICROSCOPY collection (Marie Kroun, Andy Wright, Bela Bozsik …)

Website owner - Marie Kroun's - presentations:

Borrelia history [Hull 2001 (PPT PDF DOC) & Kassel 2006 Germany (PPT)]

Pilot study on chronically ill, focus on BORRELIOSIS (York 2003)

RINGFORMS in RBC from chronically ill Danes (York 2004)

Symptom diary and two case presentations (#49 & #50) (Leicester 2007) NEW

Buffy-coat preparations – how I make dried smears (WMV-video)
... The buffy coat fraction is also used for unstained wet drop microscopy a la QBC

ORG - Organisations and Societies, other Lyme resources on the Internet;  ILADS

PICTURES - Skin manifestations of TBD's, ticks, pathogens

Syndromes - Differential-diagnoses to chronic infection: Chronic Neurotoxin Mediated Illness, ME/CFS, Fibromyalgia, Heavy metal poisening

Treatment ILADS - Evidence-based guidelines for the management of Lyme disease (Nov. 1st, 2006)  ... Dr. Burrascano's guidelines (PDF)


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