Proposal for LymeRICK topics to work on

I suggest all LymeRICK members pick a favorite topic and start working on covering it ...
later we discuss the collected material in the group in order to reach consensus and
thus in time I hope the LymeRICK group will be able to present the best and
most extensive reviews ever made on every topic regarding tick borne diseases :) 

NOTE: The more complete reviews the better, so any input
- critique, comment, additional references, improvement of language etc. -
is very welcome both to displayed / upcoming reviews.
Non-members: please send your notes to

Topics partially covered on LymeRICK ...

see LymeRICK Links: 

Topics I'm working on:

  1. History - Lyme borreliosis in Europe (before and after Steere's 'discovery') & 
    Understanding the relapsing nature of spirochetosis - implications of the spirochetal 'granule' form
  2. Materno-foetal transmission of borreliosis during pregnancy, parturition or lactation
  3. Serious disease / death from (or with ?) Lyme borreliosis


Topics I propose our group focus on in upcoming reviews:

Seronegative borreliosis / persistence of Borrelia burgdorferi infection and the mechanisms behind

1. by 'hiding':
a. intracellular location of Borrelia burgdorferi
b antigenic variation
c using host material to cover its exterior

2. by directly modulating its host immune system to allow persistent infection via cytokines (ex. Th1/Th2-relation):
a. tick saliva factors (interleukines) [implications of recurrent tick bites?]
b. spirochetal factors (interleukines)
c. direct invasion and cytopathic killing of host immune cells
d. implications of co-infections with other immune-modulating bacteria or vira (ehrlichia .. EBV, CMV, herpes, ??)

Other tick-borne infections:

  1. ehrlichiosis (HGE, HME)
  2. babesiosis / piroplasm WA1 / other piroplasms
  3. rickettsiosis (especially the in Europe newly discovered rickettsia helvetica), Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Mediterranian Boutonneuse fever (the last transmittet by rhipicephalus sanguineus tick?), African tick fever (rickettsia africa) and many others ...
  4. (bartonellosis and other suspected) ...
  5. Viral: TBE, Russian Spring-Summer Encephalitis (and other vector borne encephalitides)

Present knowledge on ticks and other possible vectors for these types of infection

Other topics ???



Marie Kroun, MD
Founder of LymeRICK

The man who created Time Manager (R) once said:
"You can eat an elephant, if you take just one bite at a time."
- I add, the more bites WE are taking, the quicker ....