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Links: Laboratories & Tests
Selected aspects of SEROLOGY of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato
by Uta Everth et al - getting positive serology results for Borrelia burgdorferi is comparable to the chance of getting a specifc result by throwing dices !

8 sera samples were split and send to be tested for antibodies against Borrelia sensu lato in 2-4 different labs / test-systems (blots) ...
Conclusion: Identical sera react differently in the used tests-systems. This may explain contradictory results, if the same sample was tested in various laboratories. Differences of the results could be better explained, if the used test-system was stated in addition on the laboratory report. The selection of the test-system may be crucial for establishing the diagnosis.
Date Added: 16.12.06 Visits: 1155
Ehrlichiosis - Laboratory detection (CDC)
Recommends IF-test, Diff-Quik stain of bloodsmear, culture on leukaemia cells
Date Added: 16.12.06 Visits: 1580
Detection of Infection or Infectious Agents by Use of Cytologic and Histologic Stains
Woods GL, WalkerR DH. Clin Microbiol reviews, July 1996, p. 382–404. PMID: 8809467 PDF

Excerpts on staining of Borrelia spirochaetes:
"Acridine orange, a fluorochrome dye that at low pH allows differentiation of bacteria, which show orange fluorescence, from background material and mammalian cells, which fluoresce green to yellow, is particularly useful for interpretation of smears prepared from thick or purulent material (58, 99). It also is more sensitive than the Gram stain for detection of organisms in CSF and other body fluids and in smears prepared from blood culture broth (103, 104, 126), and in at least one case it allowed detection of Borrelia burgdorferi in sediment of CSF (20*)"
* Bozsik BP. Borrelia burgdorferi stained with acidic acridine orange. Ann. Immunol. Hung. 1985;25:335-344

"Wright and Giemsa stains, used routinely in the hematology laboratory, demonstrate relapsing fever borrelia spirochetes in stained smears of peripheral blood."
Date Added: 25.09.07 Visits: 2158
Central Florida Research Inc.
Our company started in 1996 as Bowen Research and Training Institute, Inc..
In the fall of 2006 we made the decision to separate the company into two parts.
Bowen Research and Training Institute, Inc. continues to provide Bowen Therapy to clients on a daily schedule.
Central Florida Research, Inc. performs Lyme Testing using the Flow Cytometry method as well as the Western Blot methods of IgG and IgM. We control the QRIBb Test by licensure, and at this time we have retired that process. We are developing new test methods for co infections such as Babesia, Ehrlichia and Bartonella.

The newest technology is the Flow Cytometry method. This is an incredible test that makes it possible for the physician to see a detailed report of the number of Borellia Burgdorferi seen in a sample. For the first time the physicians, nurse practitioners, and researchers can follow the reaction of the bacteria to treatment in exact detail. We consider this a major breakthrough which will enable these professionals in the search for a cure to the many central nervous system disorders that medical science feels are interrelated.
Date Added: 15.11.07 Visits: 1306
DualDur patent - US patent database
Bela Bozsik, Hungary
Date Added: 30.08.09 Visits: 1146
Date Added: 30.08.09 Visits: 1828
Borreliose Centrum Augsburg
The Borreliose Centrum Augsburg (BCA) is a medical institution for the treatment of tick-borne diseases, especially Lyme disease (Borreliose) and possible co-infections. The center combines diagnosis, laboratory, therapy and rehabilitation under one roof in a unique way. ...

Date Added: 29.11.09 Visits: 1095
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