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Links: Spirochaetes
1914-Sergent (Excerpt)
Sergent E, Foley H. Des periodes de latence du Spirille chez le malade atteint de fievre recurrente. Compt Rend Acad Sci 1914, clviii, pp 1926-1928.
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 988
1916-Fantham (OCR)
Fantham HB et al. BMJ, March 18, 1916: 409-411. SPIROCHAETES AND THEIR GRANULE. Review on several papers demonstrating cyst form or granule phase in different spirochetes
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 976
1918-2001 Pictures of spirochetal granules/L-form/cysts
Compare pictures of cysts of B. duttoni, B. burgdorferi, B. vincentii, Treponema pallidum, Leptospira
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1038
1918-Leishman (OCR)
Leishman W. Ann Inst Pasteur 1918, 32:49-59. A note on the "GRANULE-CLUMPS" found in Ornithodorus moubata and their relation to the spirochaetes of of African tick relapsing fever. Describes B. duttoni granule clumps in ticks.
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 962
Garin CH, Bujadoux C. Paralysie par les Tiques. J Med Lyon 1922;71:765-767.
Abbreviated case-story translated from French by Marie Kroun.
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1015
1948-Hampp (Excerpt)
Hampp EG, Scott DB, Wyckoff RWG. J Bacteriol 1948;56:755-69. Twente EM-scan pictures. Demonstrate that the 'granules' of spirochetes is a stage in the lifecycle of the spirochete and that it can be in this form for at least 31 months.
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1052
1948-Lennhoff finds spirochetes in skin diseases (OCR)
Lennhoff C. Spirochetes in Aetiologically Obscure diseases. Acta Dermato Venereologica 1948;28(3): 295-324.
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1052
1951-Hollstrom (Excerpt/review)
Hollström E. Acta Derm Venereol Suppl (Stockh) 1951;31:235-243. Successful treatment of erythema migrans Afzelius. Describes good effect of Penicillin treatment of EM
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 981
1972-Kaiser (Excerpt/review)
Kaiser M. 1972 Dissertation, UNI Göttingen. Komplikationen bei Akrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (Herxheimer) und ihre Beeinflussung durch die Penicillintherapie.
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 926
1998-Brorson on cysts (Excerpt/review)
Brorson O, Brorson SH. APMIS 1998 Dec;106(12):1131-41. A rapid method for generating cystic forms of Borrelia burgdorferi, and their reversal to mobile spirochetes (short review by MK).
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 956
2001-Bibliography over alternate forms of spirochetes
240 references, compiled by the same author who made '2001-Survival in Adverse Conditions.pdf'
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1793
2001-Borrelia history in Europe
Power-point presentation by Marie Kroun, MD at the conf. in Hull, UK Sep. 2001
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1030
2001-Survival in Adverse Conditions
An organized collection of photographs and quotations selected from studies finding evidence of alternate forms of various spirochetes, dating from the early 1900's through the present. Written permission to publish this article in LymeRICK from the author, who wants to remain anonymous.
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 912
2003-A pilot study on granulated cellular structures and other abormal microscopy findings in blood
Power-point (PPT) presentation by Marie Kroun, MD at the conf. in York, UK, June 2003.
Formation of (moving) granules found associated with positive specific immune stain for Borrelia burgdorferi i 33/33 pilot project patients ... Some had signs of other possibly tick-borne infections (HME, HGE/HGA and/or babesia?)
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1013
2006-Borrelia History in Europe (German)
PowerPoint (PPT) presentation ny Marie Kroun in Kassel, Germany on 16 Sept. 2006
Date Added: 15.12.06 Visits: 1190
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