Correlation between immune system against infections (cytokines) and the patient's psyche / behavior?

Amati et al. [Relationship of Job Satisfaction, Psychological Distress and Stress-Related Biological Parameters among Healthy Nurses: A Longitudinal Study
J Occup Health 2010; 52:31-38, PDF ] examined whether there was a relationship between cytokines and number of different immune defense cells and job-related stress and psychosocial support.
People who were exposed to job-wise stress and the lack of support / understanding was relatively reduced immune defense risk profile: increased lymphocytes, increased CD8 + T suppressor cells, CD8 +-CD57 + activated T cells (NB CD3-CD57 + subset that is found low in chronic Lyme disease, tuberculosis, were not measured in this work!) and CD56 + NK cells, reduced CD4 + helper T cells and low CD4 + / CD8 + ratio
- Reverse was great job satisfaction and high levels of social support associated with reduced CD8 + - CD57 + T cells, supporting that social support is important for protecting against immune deficiency under stress!

CD57+ T cells seem of particular importance. Reactive microenvironment infiltrated with CD57+ T cells are associated with a higher incidence of adverse reactions, suggesting that CD57 is a marker of general immune dysfunction. CD57 + antigen is normally expressed only in a small proportion (16%) of CD8 + T lymphocytes, but the proportion increases during chronic immune activation and with increasing age *

* Increase of chronic immune activation with increasing age could reflect people up through life infected with various microbes - viruses, bacteria, parasites - with potential for lifelong persistence and later reactivation; including various virus in herpes family (ex HHV6, EBV, CMV) - intracellular microbes - all of which are associated with activation of NFkB - my mini review on NFkB focusing on intracellular microbes associated with chronic disease - including some of the tick borne bacteria Borrelia, Ehrlichia, rickettia Others
bacteria - which can cause dysregulation of the immune system precisely to create the possibility of persistence and reactivation; infections, all of which can flare up later when the immune system is reduced ...

The percentage of CD8+ CD57+ T cells increased in clinical disease states associated with immune dysfunction including AIDS, tuberculosis, B19 virus (parvo), and CMV.
Expression of CD57+ makes cells sensitive to activation-induced cell death by apoptosis (TNF effect?). NK cells and subsets plays an important role in the host defense against viral / parasitic (intracellular) infections and in protecting against tumor growth (cancer).

Long-term stress is associated with reduced NK cell activity, number of NK cells decreased by depersonaliserings score of Maslach Burn-out Inventory (MBI) among office workers, associated with job stress, overwork - but stress can also increase the number of NK cells.
This article was high job satisfaction and high social suppport associated with reduced NK CD56 + cells, while it was higher in people who felt stressed.
There seems to be inter-individual differences in the effect of circulating lymphocytes during stress exposure

Stricker CD57+ NK cell fraction is often found low in chronic Borreliosis of longer than 1 year duration; healing is correlated with an increase in CD57-NK cell fraction up to normal range (>100)
Number of circulating NK CC or demonstrating high in depression. Persons having increased their job satisfaction exhibited reduced levels of inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1beta, IL-6, and CD8 + CD57 + activated T-cells, which supports the hypothesis that there is a change in the immunological / inflammatory response in terms of job satisfaction and psycho social stress.

More free download available reading material on the link between infection / cytokines, mental / cognitive disorders, behavioral changes, decreased blood flow in the brain, etc.:
* Depression in medical illness ( PDF )
* Cytokines and the Brain: Implications for Clinical Psychiatry ( PDF )
* Synergistic Effects of interleukin-1beta, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha: central monoamine, corticosterone, and behavioral variation. ( PDF )
* Relief of psychiatric symptoms in a patient with Crohn's disease after metronidazole therapy. (P213 in PDF )
* Successful Treatment of Lyme Encephalopathy with Intravenous Ceftriaxone. ( PDF )
* Cerebral perfusion in chronic fatigue syndrome and depression. ( PDF )
* Neurological and psychological symptoms after the severe acute neuroborreliosis. ( PDF )
* The long-term clinical outcomes of Lyme disease.
A population-based retrospective cohort study. ( PDF not OA)
* Functional brain imaging and neuropsychological testing in Lyme disease. ( PDF )
* A controlled study of cognitive deficits in children with chronic Lyme disease. ( PDF )
* A randomized, placebo-controlled trial of repeated IV antibiotic therapy for Lyme encephalopathy. PMID: 17928580 MKs comment in DanInfekt )
* Regional cerebral blood flow and metabolic rate in persistent Lyme encephalopathy. PMID: 19414715
* Vance Spence lecture in Sheffield 2005 Lyme conf.
which is about "why research in vascular?"

It is always important to see any revival / reactivation of chronic persistent infection and subsequent development of chronic disease, depression etc. in relation to the patient's living conditions and not only focus on the individual microbes role, but also assess the patient's lifestyle, whether there are significant stressors in the patient's life that may contribute to immunosuppression, which allows the resurgence of infections as the immune system usually can hold it in check?!
- And if it turns out that a patient do not thrive in his job, the marriage etc., there good reason to do something about it, as it can result in immune suppression and risk of development or exacerbation of chronic disease and revival of hitherto latent infections if the stress continues!

But one thing is certain - it is not always ENOUGH to maintain a good health, that you live as healthy as you possibly can!
Even relatively young and before reasonably healthy-living and healthy patients, can "break" down completely after they acquire Borrelia infection, etc., and some of them fortunately get back on track - as the infection is gunned down by antibiotic therapy.
A fairly typical story is that the inoculating tickbite and possibly also an erythema migrans rash, initially went unnoticed, i.e. pt. - the patient are not aware and do not not contact doctor shortly after the bite, but gradually over months to years develop an increasing array of multi-organ symptoms,that puzzles the doctor as well as the patient  - Borrelia is, as syphilis, for good reason called the great imitator.
The disease is recurrent- remitting episodes with flu-like symptoms (chills and sweats) of approx.
2-5 days in a weekly or monthly recurrence pattern, fatigue, migraine-like headaches, nausea/vomiting, joint and muscle pain plus various cognitive disorders (sound and light sensitivity, touch sensitivity, touch trigger longer-term strong burning sensations in the skin, impaired short-term memory, impaired concentration. etc.)
- because of the long interval the patient does not connect previous tickbite or rash with later occuring symptoms, and if the doc forget to ask the key questions about tickexposure and eventual rashes in the past, the infection may go unnoticed for many years, despite the patient sees many different doctors ...

The doctor may or may not be aware that the in Denmark commonly used Borrelia antibody test has been shown to be published FALSE SERUM ANTIBODY NEGATIVE in 50% or more of late (> 3 months duration) Lyme disease cases detected by direct examination methods:
Culture is the microbiological gold standard diagnostic method see Reed 2002, PDF 
(genetic testing) for example.
a few publ with several well-studied cases from Europe: Oksi 1995 ( PDF ), Strle 2006 ( PDF )
- many more late / persistent despite antibiotics therapy borrelia reports are listed in persistent borreliosis  ...

When / if there is an underlying immunodeficiency then unfortunately only a few remaining microbes after stopping antibiotic treatment, can easily quickly flourish again and cause major relapse, again and again. If sick people - develop cognitive and behavioral problems - it can be very difficult to understand why it is necessary, and to implement life style change that reduce stress (changing jobs, separation from partner in bad relationship or similar), if the patient continues to get toxins, such as tobacco, alcohol in large quantities, various medicines (especially, of course, known immunosuppressive drugs, cytostatics, corticosteroids (prednisone, etc..) and certain NSAIDs prep. reduce IgG antibody prod by up to 50% ( PDF ); malnutrition (poor appetite, inappropiate diet tried due to suspected food reactions, so that the body may appear to be missing important building blocks?
-  or a latent borrelia infection can flare up, when / if the patient later is exposed to severe stressors, for example death of illness in the immediate family, operations/ anaestesis, etc. - the immune supression caused by stress may precipitate a relapse of infection(s) that were under control!
.. we know that an old "incapsulated" TB can fluorish in old age or immune depression of various causes.
It is important to evaluate the whole patient for if there are immunosuppressive factors, that should be addressed and changed if possible - maybe it is enough to regain control to remove stressors and the pt. may not have a need for antibiotics? - which should be reserved for very disabled cases.
But often the patient is too sick to change anything and looking into lifestyle must wait until the patient have improved on treatment; patients who improve much on first treatment think they are cured, and are often not motivated to make any lifestyle changes ... it take more relapses, before the patient understand the necessity of looking into causes of immune depression. 

Borrelia grows so slowly that a conventional antibiotic treatment of 10 days barely break a single growth cycle; the 80-90% of Borrelia patients that do recover after short treatment, are usually those who seroconvert and develop a mature IgG antibody response early, and the cure achieved are probably more because their well-functioning immune system, than due to the antibiotic treatment?
People that are not cured easily usually have only IgM or no measurable antibodies (they do not develop immune memory), some express fluctuating IgMs, but do not develop IgG when measured with old commercial serology test ... 

These of people with known / serological evidence Borrelia infection do not need the extended evaluation or treatment unless they experience a relapse!

PEOPLE WITH RECURRENT RELAPSE / CHRONIC ILLNESS FROM BORRELIA > 1 year has IMMUNE IMPAIRMENT and should be evaluated for other tick-borne infectious - especially the types that infect immune cells, Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Coxiella? - plus CMV, EBV may reactivate too and play a role?